4.4 Gas Flow

GAS FLOW The property of fluids is that they flow. Fluids are liquids and gases. Examples of fluids are water, oil, glycerin, alcohol and air. Air is a mixture of various gases – nitrogen, oxygen and other gases. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is also a gas. It is produced during combustion and breathing. Example 1 Watch […]

4.3 Bouyancy

Archimedes was born in a Greek colony on the island of Sicily. He was one of the most important mathematicians and inventors in ancient Greece. There is a famous story about him. One day he was given a task by the king. He had to check whether the crown that was made for him was […]

4.2 Hydrostatics Pressure

HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure in a stationary liquid due to its own weight. In incompressible liquids, the pressure increases in direct proportion to the depth. The hydrostatic pressure depends only on the height of the liquid column and does not depend on the shape of the container. This seemingly contradictory fact is […]

4.1 Viscosity

VISCOSITY Viscosity is a property of liquids that affects how liquids move and change shape. It is the internal friction of the fluid that prevents it from deforming. Viscosity is an essential physical property that distinguishes a fluid from an elastic solid. What is interesting about viscosity is its dependence on temperature. We can see […]

4.0 Fluids

Fluid mechanics is the study of fluids. In this chapter you will learn: some properties of fluids, where you can observe the properties of fluids in your surroundings, how you can check the properties of a fluid by experiment. Fluids are substances that have the common property: flow. They are divided into liquids and gases. […]